The best WebHosting

Maximashop is an ultimate product for on-line trade, which combines our 10 year trade experience and 3-year experience in Internet solutions. Maximashop has all functions of essential importance to an on-line shop at reasonable prices. It aims to serve trade companies and producers willing to present, promote and sell products and service on the Internet (without limitations in time and space). We offer you on-line trade options of the following types: "Business -to- end Client" (B2C) , "Business -to- Business" (B2B) or E-catalogue.

Е-shop B2B (wholesale trade) Е-shop B2C (retail trade)
During the first year (installation + domain name + hosting)
$260 $240
On renewing of your account
$180 $160
Creating and editing of a number of headings and sub-headings up to three levels
Creating and editing up to 20 topics and 20 sub-topics at two levels (the number is virtually limitless, yet dependent on the graphic design)
Insertion and editing of banners in topics, headings and product description
Creating and editing of colors of products
Showing of products to headings
Information on limitless number of indices and characteristics of each product
Opportunities of promotion to headings, topics and products
Product search engine to nomenclature code, or a part of it

Administration of registered persons

Administration of registered companies
Insertion and editing of courier companies and thier fees and delivery conditions
Administration of the orders
Administration of the comments
Defining of a price of the order, over which the delivery is free
Password change option
Opportunities to choose the color preferred for a particular product (if options have been offered)
Introduction to a virtually unlimited number of indices and characteristics of each product
Automatic calculation of the sum total of the products in your trolley
Opportunities of clients' signing in as a company or a private person
Only registered users are allowed to see the prices.
Automatic issue of sample invoice
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